19 January 2021

Is An Electric Log Burner Worth It?

By RFC Services | Latest

There are several reasons why you should invest in an electric log burner for your home. For a start, they are easy to use and can create heat with just the touch of a button. Electric stoves require very little maintenance, are cost-effective and can be installed in any location you need. In addition, they do not produce any toxic fumes and are much more eco-friendly than regular log burners. So, what other reasons are there for investing in an electric log burner? Here are some of the main electric stove benefits you should consider.

ACR Neo Electric Stove

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16 September 2020

Fireplace Design Ideas to Warm Up Your Home

By RFC Services | Latest

As winter approaches our thoughts often turn to new fireplaces, and how much an update could improve our living room. For instance, picturing Christmas decorations and cosy homes often centre around the fireplace, with stockings, tinsel, a warm glow and content friends and family.

The type of fireplace you have may make a difference. If it is time for you to upgrade, a key element to consider is the finish, from rustic wood to elegant marble. You will need to think about style, which should blend in with your existing décor. Choosing your fireplace carefully can define your living space and bring that desired warm glow to the winter months.

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26 August 2020

It’s Cosy Outside: The Best Outdoor Fireplaces

By RFC Services | Latest

There is nothing better than enjoying the natural environment in the company of a crackling fire. The good news is that there are numerous outdoor fireplaces to select if you are hoping to add a touch of comfort and class to your home. What are some common fireplace options, what advantages does each have to offer, and why are many homeowners now choosing bio ethanol designs? These are all interesting questions to consider if you hope to make an informed decision when choosing the best outdoor fireplace.

Some Common Outdoor Fireplace Design Ideas

You will first need to take into account where the fireplace will be located. For example, those who wish to create a more centralised atmosphere may benefit from a free-standing container-style design. You could also select an outdoor stove that is embedded within an existing wall (common if a deck or patio is found adjacent to your home).

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26 August 2020

Should You Choose a Stove or a Fireplace?

By RFC Services | Latest

Fireplaces have always represented the hearth of a traditional English home. There are now numerous fireplace options at your disposal and some of these will depend upon personal heating preferences. However, it is also important to point out that fireplaces and related fireplace products will soon to be subject to a new set of legislative guidelines. Let’s look at what these regulations mean in terms of traditional home heating methods as well as whether it is better to choose a stove or a fireplace.

What Do the Guidelines Have to Say?

A new type of legislation is set to come into effect in 2022, known as “Ecodesign 2022”. Stoves will need to adhere to strict regulations in order to be approved for sale. The Ecodesign legislation is the stove industry’s response to the DEFRA clean air strategy. The ultimate intention involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This brings us to the next question. Would a traditional wood burning stove or a fireplace be the wisest option if you are looking to lower the carbon footprint of your home? Are gas-powered units more efficient?

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14 June 2020

We’re busy but eager to see you!

By RFC Services | Latest

With the lockdown coming at one of our busiest times of the year it is of no surprise to find that we have quite a backlog of installations to undertake. But don’t let that stop you from coming to see us or getting us out to help you decide on your new fireplace. Be assured we are working hard to catch up so that by the time Autumn comes we should be back to normal. Make your decisions now so you are ready for the chilly evenings.

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06 June 2020

We’ll soon be back

By RFC Services | Latest

We have re-started with our installations, initially with some nice easy ones, but progressing to all day jobs next week. On Tuesday 16th June we re-open our showroom. The usual hours will apply, namely 10am to 3pm Tuesday to Friday and 10am to 2pm on Saturdays. We will be restricting access to one person or family at a time as there is not sufficient room for 2m social distancing. Any payments must be by card, no cash. We look forward to seeing you and helping you choose a wonderful fireplace for your home.

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22 April 2020

Consultations available

By RFC Services | Latest

Whilst the current situation prevails our showroom remains closed. If you require advice concerning an existing installation, or guidance on a new one, please email us. We have a stocks of kiln dried wood, kindling and Flamers firelighters and are happy to supply these during a prearranged visit to the showroom. If you require spares for an appliance we may be able to source them for you.

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26 November 2018

High Demand For Stoves

By Adam Beer | Latest

Once again the onset of Autumn has spurred our potential customers into action by requesting surveys for the installation of woodburners and other heating appliances. Sadly, for new enquiries, there will be a bit of a wait, as we are now taking bookings for January, and struggling to fulfil pre Christmas fittings! Hopefully the cold weather will stay away a bit longer.

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16 July 2013

Advantages of Gas Fires in the Modern Home

By Adam Beer | Latest

With Summer gone and Winter not far away, many homeowners will be thinking about making vital improvements to their homes in the forthcoming months. Here at RFC Services, we are always one step ahead to ensure that your home feels cosy throughout the colder months with heating solutions, such as gas fires. Gas Fires offer many advantages to the modern home.

Homely Feel

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